Benefits for the owner, customer and employee
Some business owners still might not believe that reducing food waste is beneficial for their business. However, we’d like to confirm from the bottom of our hearts that zero food waste management can benefit your restaurant in unexpected ways. Reduced food waste can cut costs, increase revenue, be used as a marketing tool or in publicity, boost employee performance, deliver good customer service, change your attitude about beneficial things in life and many others. If you delve into the details, you’ll find lots of direct and indirect benefits for business owners, employees, customers, society and the world. So, what are they? Let’s take a look at each one!!
How does zero food waste benefit business owners?
A direct benefit of zero food waste to restaurant owners is the fact that it cuts ingredient costs. Food waste usually amounts to about 4-12% of total ingredient costs. So, if your restaurant has good management, it will be possible to save that amount, which naturally means increased income! So, how can you keep letting yourself lose money to food waste?
. Reducing food waste also indirectly benefits businesses, while promoting a positive image for the restaurant. You can use zero food waste as a marketing tool and free public relations. This is because the eco-friendly food trend is going strong right now, and we can see that restaurants that follow this trend are well received by the media and younger customers. Zero food waste management will also help you present better products and services to your customers. You can serve fresher foods (because effective ingredient cycling ensures that ingredients are always fresh) or you can offer complimentary meals (made to ensure that left over ingredients do not become food waste). When customers are impressed by your products and services and feel that your restaurant is taking socially-responsible actions, what will follow is love and support in various forms.
. Not only that, zero food waste management can also change your attitudes and lifestyles so that you live more consciously and with greater purpose.
How does zero food waste benefit employees?
Changing operations in favor of zero food waste in restaurants can have numerous benefits for employees. For example, it can help employees learn new work techniques along with skills for better managing ingredients and food. It can promote creativity and analytical thinking while also increasing knowledge, capabilities, and experience. The need for employees with knowledge able zero food waste management is increasing every day in line with the global trend, creating a way to manage businesses in the “New Normal” in the future. Employees will be able to use their knowledge and experience in zero food waste management to seek professional advancement opportunities or build upon their knowledge if they want to open their own businesses one day in the future.
. For indirect benefits, reducing food waste will also change lifestyle attitudes for people who learn and do and play a part in conserving natural resources and protecting the world while giving happiness and pride in doing good things and living more purposefully in addition to positively influencing surrounding people.
How does zero food waste management benefit customers?
With effective circulation and use of ingredients, customers will get to eat fresher meals and might even receive complimentary meals (special daily side dishes, appetizers or snacks) that promote good impressions for restaurant services. Customers will also be served attentively while supporting environmentally-responsible businesses, thus becoming loyal and desiring more to support good businesses so that they can last for a long time. Indirect benefits include the fact that customers get to participate in promoting sustainability and preserving the environment through their spending and lifestyles. As the environment improves, the health of the people will also improve.
How does zero food waste benefit society and the world?
Food waste contributes up to 8% of green house gases and is a cause of many types of pollution (landfilling poisons underground water supply because water leaches toxins; poor air quality happens due to burning; etc.). Try to imagine every restaurant in the world seriously cooperating. How much would we be able to eliminate environmental problems? If there is no waste for us to dispose by incineration or burial, environmental pollution will be reduced. Contaminants in the water, air, soil and ocean will be reduced. People will become healthier, and the environment will be better, whether on the level of houses, roads, communities, cities, countries or the entire world. People’s quality of living will improve, and natural resources will be conserved so that a good future can be built for our children.
You can tune in Zero Food Waste Program to Reduce Costs and Increase Profits through Food Waste Reduction via Facebook : Makro Horeca Academy and the website to increase restaurant owners’ know-how so that they can develop their business to survive the current crisis and to educate them on how to reduce food waste for reducing costs and increasing profits, with the online content on food waste and food waste management methods.
Our highlight is Zero Food Waste Workshop, which is a special workshop open for those interested free of charge on 11 November 2020. Please follow the news via Facebook : Makro Horeca Academy
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